The Christmas Special Review Contest Rules and Information

Available at:

Free to enter – No entry fee!

Eligibility: Anyone with a firm knowledge of the Novel, “The Christmas Special”
Entry Deadline: February 15, 2015

You can win $1000 simply by writing a review of the novel “The Christmas Special” and posting it on the internet.

What is required to compete in the Review Contest:
No application or entry fee is required. The Contest is open to all readers of “The Christmas Special,” except where void or prohibited by law.
  1. Write a non-spoiler review of at least 300 words and no more than 1000 words about your interpretation and view of the novel, “The Christmas Special.”
  2. Optional - You could include in the review how relevant the story is to current world events.
  3. Optional - You could indicate in your review if you consider the story social commentary.
  4. Optional - If you did view the novel as social commentary, what issues does it speak out about?
  5. Each review must include a quote from the novel, “The Christmas Special.” The quote should relate to your comments in your review.
  6. Once your review is completed, you must post it out on the internet. You can post it on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Books A Million, your blog or on any site that is visible to the public.

    After posting your review on the web, you must then e-mail a copy of it along with the appropriate URL to the posting to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or snail mail the information to the following:
    The Christmas Special Review Contest
    Subterfuge Publishing
    P.O. Box 8008
    Lumberton, TX 77657
    1. Entrant must submit a copy of their posted original review
    2. Include your name, address and phone number– so we can contact you if you are a winner.
    3. Your e-mail address;
    4. The URL to your posted review
    5. The date you posted the review

  7. Subterfuge Publishing must receive notification (including URL and copy of the review) of a posted review no later than 11:59 PM, Central Standard time, February 15, 2015.
  8. Each review must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Reviews must not infringe on any third party rights or intellectual property of any person, company, or organization. By submitting a review to this Contest, the entrant agrees to indemnify Subterfuge Publishing for any claim, demand, judgment, or other allegation arising from possible violation of someone’s trademark, copyright, or other legally protected interest in any way in the entrant’s review.
  9. All copies of entries become the property of Subterfuge Publishing and will not be returned. .
  10. Employees of Subterfuge Publishing, David Hearne or members of their immediate family are not eligible for this contest
  11. All Winners will be notified via e-mail or phone on March 11, 2015. The date of the announcement commemorates the date of the Fukushima catastrophe
  12. Winners are responsible to provide their mailing addresses and other necessary information under the law in order to receive any prizes. Contest winners agree to allow Subterfuge Publishing to post their names on any of its affiliated websites. The winning reviews may be posted in their entirety on any of Subterfuge Publishing’s websites with full credit given to the author. Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes.
  13. If you are submitting by mail, please paperclip a stamped, self-addressed postcard to your review and we will return it to you as your confirmation of receiving your entry.
  14. Please do not submit duplicate reviews
  15. If submitting your review electronically, you will be sent a confirmation email indicating our receipt. If you have not received an e-mail notification within 24 hours, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Christmas Special Contest
The winning applicant will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning reviews should speak to some of the complex political and social issues woven into the novel ‘The Christmas Special.’

Review submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased judging process. Judges are individually selected by Subterfuge Publishing based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of David Hearne’s novel “The Christmas Special.” Winners’ names are unknown to judges until after reviews have been ranked and the contest results finalized. Subterfuge Publishing checks reviews with Ithenticate plagiarism detection software.

To learn more about The Christmas Special, go to:
Comments or questions about the review contests are welcome. Please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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The Christmas Special is available at:

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